JMS Manuscript Workflow and Status in the Online System JMS Manuscript Workflow and Status in the Online System

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JMS Manuscript Workflow and Status in the Online System




SE-Scientific Editor

LE-Language Editor

EEIC-Executive Editor-in-Chief

The manuscript system workflow

1. Awaiting Admin Checklist

The admin will review the submission to ensure it is complete and has followed journal submission requirements before sujecting to plagiarism Check process.

In this stage, the admin may unsubmit the manuscript and notify the authors to supplement necessary materials or files.

2. Awaiting SE Assignment

The EEIC will assign manuscripts to the Scientific Editor for initial review.

3. Awaiting SE Recommendation

The Scientific Editor will do initial review and make recommendation: Reject, Revision or Sent out for peer review.

4. Awaiting EEIC Check

The EEIC will make a decision based on comments and recommendation from the SE.

5. Awaiting ED Assignment

The EEIC will assign the manuscript to the Editor, or reject the manuscript, or suggest revision, and send email to notify the authors.

6. Awaiting Reviewer Selection/Awaiting Reviewer Invitation/Awaiting Reviewer Assignment:

The Editors select, invite and assign Reviewers:

•Select – is to create the pick list of reviewers

•Invite – is to send out the Invitations to the reviewers

•Assign – is to assign the manuscript to the reviewers

Notes: In the JMS manuscript system, the required least reviews are two for the first round of peer-review.

"Awaiting reviewer Selection"  indicates Less than the required reviewers have accepted the review invitation. If the total numbers of reviews are less than the set figure (usually two or three), even one reviewer has submitted his/her comments, the status is still in "Awaiting reviewer selection". 

7. Awaiting Reviewer Scores

The manuscript is under peer-review. .

8. Awaiting ED Recommendation

The ED will make a recommendation to the EEIC based on the peer-review comments.  

9. Awaiting EEIC Final Decision

The EEIC will make a final decision on the manuscript to decide reject, review, or accept.